Hello everyone to my new blog. I was wondering whether I should have one and I figured that although my life is fairly ordinary, there are so many good, silly or just pretty things around me that I would like to show or write about. And therefore the blogging starts - as of now.
First bit about myself: I like quotations. I especially like quotations coming from the world of Winnie the Pooh. The quotations from Winnie the Pooh are special and wondering why that is, I think that because they are simple, yet can be interpreted on a deeper level. The simplicity is to such extend that it makes you laugh, the deeper meaning - think. And thats what it is all about...
This cartoon has been always the most sentimental to me, mostly thanks to the Eeyore who with his totally pesimistic approach never fails to make me laugh. Actually, did you know that Eeyore even has his officialy celebrated birthday party? The whole thing happens in April in the US and I was totally over the top when I first found out about it. (If you want to learn more about it, visit http://eeyores.org/)
After looking at the pictures, I was amazed how one event can so smoothly combine the elements of kinderparty

and of love parade?