It's Saturday and we have a wedding to attend today. I'm so happy because I have shoes to go to the wedding with. Last week was a nightmare of shoe searching and it was killing me because, in fact, there is lots and lots of perfectly beautiful party shoes. However, all of them have heels and I should avoid heels like devil sacred water unless I want to distroy some ceilings on my way.
Hence, I was dealing with tons of ballerinas that made me look like I'm wearing slippers. Anyways, after fourth day in the shopping mall (believe me, I can have enough of it) I found the shoes. They are not the best in class, but they will do. And I m so happy that in the LAST POSSIBLE SHOP, that I NEVER go to, was ONE pair of these shoes in MY SIZE and in SUITABLE COLOUR.
Destiny. What do we know about it.
Talking about weddings, check out HERE. Coolest blog on weddings ever. Thats where the pic above comes from.
PS: pictures of outfit will probably follow:)